Ah, if only it was that easy…but it’s a great place to start improving your health, particularly if you know you don’t drink enough water in a day.

Let’s have a look at liquid intake options and how you might be able to improve yours.
Firstly ask yourself, are you having four or more cups of coffee a day? addicted to sugary soft-drinks? or need a few glasses of wine to wind down in the evening? Changing one or two of these habits can make a HUGE difference to your health.

Firstly ask yourself, are you having four or more cups of coffee a day? addicted to sugary soft-drinks? or need a few glasses of wine to wind down in the evening? Changing one or two of these habits can make a HUGE difference to your health.

Here’s my four tips to help you drink yourself to better health…

    • WATER – you’re on a winner if you keep up your hydration…for most people 6-8 glasses/day is the rule of thumb, however, if you’re an athlete or spend a lot of time outdoors in the heat, you may need to increase this number.Water keeps your skin plumped (think ‘youth’), it can also help with cognition – every noticed you get a headache when you’re dehydrated…this is because the brain needs oxygen and water is responsible for transporting red blood cells around the body which carry the oxygen. Water can also curb your hunger and did we mention it’s essential for life!


    • Add a couple of ‘Herbal Teas into your day. This just might stop you from ordering that fifth cup of coffee…it can also help you unwind in the evening without that extra glass of wine.  Green Tea is a great all rounder and is super high in antioxidants. Check out the range of T4U organic herbal teas to help with digestion, sleep, elimination, stress, balancing those female hormones and more.


    • Alcohol, red wine is thought to be anti-ageing due to the phytonutrient ‘resveratrol’…and for most people, it’s fine to enjoy a glass or two, but a bottle a day will totally negate the benefit’s of a little tipple.  The Heart Foundation recommend no more than one standard drink (100mls – teeny I know)  per day for females and two for males and suggests including two alcohol free days per week.


    • Soft drinks – As an Ambassador for That Sugar Film I understand the damage a high-sugar diet has on a healthy body. So if you do nothing else to improve your health, I’d encourage you to start here and save yourself a truckload of unnecessary sugar in your diet.  The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends no more than six teaspoons of sugar a day.  Swap a soft drink for sparkling mineral water, you can add ice, lemon/lime, mint or berries, whatever you prefer, or go for a glass of ‘kombucha’, just check the brand and sugar count first, most are low.  Swapping soft drink for a healthy alternative will have you reducing your sugar intake (which is one of the healthiest things you can do) and if you choose kombucha you’ll be ‘loving your guts’ by feeding it good bacteria.

Raise a glass of H2O, herbal tea or kombucha, to your good health in 2018!